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Arafura Sea
Aral Sea
Aras River (Armenia)
Aras River (Azerbaijan)
Arctic Ocean
Arges River
Argolic Gulf
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Arkansas River
Arno River
Atchafalaya Bay
Atlantic Ocean
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Cedar River
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Congo River
Congo River (Congo)
Congo River (Source)
Connecticut River
Connecticut River
Connecticut River (Mass.)
Connecticut River (NH)
Connecticut River (VT)
Cook Strait
Coral Sea
Corantijn River
Corinth Canal
Corinthian Gulf
Coyote Creek
Crater Lake
Crna River
Cuango River
Cubango River
Cumberland River
Cypress Swamp
Dall River
Danube River (Austria)
Danube River (Bulgaria)
Danube River (Croatia)
Danube River (Germany)
Danube River (Hungary)
Danube River (Mouths)
Danube River (overall)
Danube River (Romania)
Danube River (Serbia)
Darling River
Dead Sea
Debet River
Dee River
Delaware Bay
Delaware Canal
Delaware River
Delaware River (Delaware)
Delaware River (New Jersey)
Denmark Strait
Des Moines River
Dja River
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Dnieper River (Belarus)
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Don River
Dordogne River
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Drava River (Slovenia)
Drin River
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Dvina River
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Euphrates River (details)
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Euphrates River (Turkey)
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Ganges River (Mouths)
Garonne River
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Guapore River
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Gulf of Mannar
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Gulf of Paria
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Gulf of San Matias
Gulf of Sidra
Gulf of St. Lawrence
Gulf of St. Milo
Gulf of Suez
Gulf of Taranto
Gulf of Taranto
Gulf of Thailand
Gulf of Tonkin
Gulf of Valencia
Gulf of Venice
Haho River
Hannay Bay
Havel River
Hornad River
Housatonic River
Huang He River (Yellow)
Hudson Bay
Hudson River
Hudson Strait
Humboldt River
Ialomita River
Iguazu Falls
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Indal River
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Indus River (details)
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Irtysh River
Iskur River
Ivindo River
James Bay
James River (ND)
James River (VA)
Jamuna River
Java Sea
Jiu River
Jubba River
Jucar River
Kaduna River
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Kansas River
Kanyaru River
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Kasai River
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Kemi River
Kennebec River
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Kentucky River
Khatanga Gulf
Kiel Bay
Kitkajoki River
Koge Bay
Komoe River
Korea Strait
Koro Sea
Kuban River
Kura River (Azerbaijan)
Kura River (Georgia)
Kwango River
Kyparissia Gulf
La Perouse Strait
LA River
Labe River
Labrador Sea
Lac de Guiers
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Lake (Laugh) Erne
Lake (Laugh) Neagh
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Lake Abhe
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Lake Barkley
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Lake Bodensee
Lake Chad
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Lake Chilwa
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Lake Ladoga
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Lake Malombe
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Lake Manitoba
Lake Manzala
Lake Maracaibo
Lake Mead
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Lake Muritz
Lake Mweru
Lake Nasijarv
Lake Nassar
Lake Neuchatel
Lake Nicaragua
Lake Nipigon
Lake Nyasa
Lake of the Woods
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Lake Okeechobee
Lake Onega
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Lake Oulujarvi
Lake Ozero Sivash
Lake Paijanne
Lake Peipus
Lake Pielinen
Lake Pontchartrain
Lake Poopo
Lake Poway
Lake Powell
Lake Prespa
Lake Pskov
Lake Rudolf
Lake Rweru
Lake Saimaa
Lake Shkodra
Lake St. Clair
Lake Superior
Lake Tahoe
Lake Tanganyika
Lake Tanganyika (Burundi)
Lake Texoma
Lake Tiberias
Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca (Bolivia)
Lake Titicaca (Peru)
Lake Turkana
Lake Tuz
Lake Van
Lake Vanern
Lake Vattern
Lake Vegoritis
Lake Victoria
Lake Victoria (Uganda)
Lake Volta
Lake Volvi
Lake Vorts-Jarv
Lake Vostok
Lake Vygozero
Lake Winnipeg
Lake Winnipesaukee
Lake Zurich
Lake Zurichee
Lakonikos Gulf
Lower Bay
Mackenzie River
Madriu River
Magdalena River
Malta Channel
Mana River
Mangachevir Reservoir
Manzanares River
Marano River
Mariager Fjord
Maritsa River
Maroni River
Marowijne River
Matochkin Strait
Mattituck Inlet
Mbuluzi River
Mecklenburger Bay
Mediterranean Sea
Medjerda River
Mekong River (Cambodia)
Mekong River (China)
Mekong River (Laos)
Mekong River (Mouth)
Mekong River (Thailand)
Menai Strait
Merrimack River (Mass.)
Merrimack River (NH)
Messina Strait
Messinia Gulf
Meuse River (Belgium)
Meuse River (France)
Meuse River (Netherlands)
Mezen Bay
Mezen River
Miami River
Milo River
Minnesota River
Mino River
Mississippi River
Mississippi River (mouth)
Mississippi River (source)
Missouri River
Moa River
Mobile Bay
Mohawk River
Molucca Sea
Mono River
Monongahela River
Monterey Bay California
Morava River (Czech Rep)
Morava River (Serbia)
Morecambe Bay
Moselle River
Mozambique Channel
Muonio River
Murray River
Muskingham River
Napo River
Narragansett Bay
NaturErlebnisBad Großenhain
Neches River
Neder River
Neisse River
Neman River
Nera River
Neris River
Ngounie River
Ngwavuma River
Niarbyl Bay
Niger River
Niger River (Nigeria)
Nile River
Nile River (Albert)
Nile River (Blue)
Nile River (Egypt)
Nile River (Mountain)
Nile River (Sudan)
Nile River (Victoria)
Nile River (White)
Niobrara River
Nistru River
North Channel
North Sea
North Sea Canal
Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Norwegian Sea
Notec River
Nueces River
Ob' River
Ocmulgee River
Oder River (Czech Rep)
Oder River (Germany)
Oder River (Poland)
Ogooue River
Ohio River
Olenekskiy Bay
Olt River
Onega Bay
Onega River
Orange River
Orange River Lesotho
Orange River Namibia
Oresund Sound
Orinoco River
Oti River
Oueme River
Oulu River
Ounas River
Ouse River
Owens Valley Dry Lake Bed
Oyapuck River
Pacific Ocean
Pagasitikos Gulf
Palk Bay
Panama Canal
Paraguay River
Parana River (Argentina)
Parana River (Brazil)
Parana River Paraguay
Parnu River
Patra Gulf
Patuxent River
Pawcatuck River
Peace River
Pearl River (Mississippi)
Pecos River
Pee Dee River
Penobscot River
Penzhin Bay
Persian Gulf
Philippine Sea
Pinios River
Pivdennyy Bug
Platte River
Po River
Potomac River
Poznan Lakes
Pribyat River
Prut River (Moldova)
Prut River (Romania)
Pyramid Lake
Ramsey Bay
Randers Fjord
Raut River
Razdan River
Red River
Red River (North Dakota)
Red Sea
Republican River
Rhine River
Rhine River (France)
Rhine River (Germany)
Rhine River (Liechtenstein)
Rhine River (Netherlands)
Rhone River
Ringkobing Fjord
Rio Cachew
Rio de la Plata
Rio Geba
Rio Grande River
Rio Negro
Rio Uruguay
Rioni River
River Cam
Roanoke River
Rokel River
Ross Sea
Rufiji River
Rupert Bay
Rusizi River
Russian River
Saale River
Sabibe Lake
Sabine River
Sacramento River
Saimaa Canal
Saint Lawrence River
Saint Lawrence Seaway
Sakhalin Gulf
Saline River
Salt Lake
Salway Firth
Salway Park Wetland
Sambre River
Samso Belt
San Antonio River
San Joaquin River
San Marino River
Sanaga River
Sangha River
Sannikov Strait
Saone River
Saronic Gulf
Sassandra River
Sava River(Bosnia)
Sava River(Croatia)
Sava River(Serbia)
Sava River(Slovenia)
Savannah River
Savu Sea
Schelde River
Scioto River
Scituate Res.
Scotia Sea
Sea of Azov
Sea of Crete
Sea of Japan
Sea of Marmara
Sea of Okhotsk
Sea of the Hebrides
Seine River
Senegal River
Sevana Lake
Seven Seas
Severn River
Severn River(mouth)
Sewa River
Shabele River
Shannon River
Shark Bay
Shelikhov Gulf
Shenandoah River
Shoreline Lake
Sil River
Sirba River
Smoky Hill River
Snake River
Snake River (Idaho)
Soil Water
South China Sea
South Platte River
Southern Ocean
Spencer Gulf
Spree River
Sron River
St. Bride's Bay
St. George's Channel
St. John River
St. John's River (Maine)
St. Johns River (Florida)
St. Paul River
Strait of Bonifacio
Strait of Dover
Strait of Georgia
Strait of Gibraltar
Strait of Hormuz
Strait of Kerch
Strait of Magellan
Strait of Malacca
Strait of Otranto
Strait of Otranto
Strait of Sicily
Suez Canal
Sula Sea
Susquehanna River
Susquehanna River (Pennsylvania)
Swansea Bay
Taganrog Gulf
Tagus River (description)
Tagus River (Portugal)
Tagus River (Spain)
Taia River
Taiwan Strait
Tana River
Tana River
Tannis Bay
Tasman Sea
Tatar Strait
Tennessee River
Teno River
Terpeniya Bay
Thames River
Thermaic Gulf
Tiber River
Tien River
Ubangui River
Ucayali River
Uele River
Ugangi River
Ume River
Ungava Bay
Uolo River
Upper Bay
Utah Lake
Vah River
Valira River
Vardar River
Venta River
Victoria Falls
Vijose River
Vilkitshogo Strait
Virtual Water Body
Vistula River
Vistula River
Vitava River
Volga River
Volga River (overall)
Volta (Black) Burkina
Volta (Red)
Volta (White) Burkina
Volta (White) Ghana
Volta(Black) Ghana
Wabash River
Wabash River (Indiana)
Weddell Sea
Weser River
Western Dvina River
White River
White River (Dakotas)
White Sea
White Sea-Baltic Canal
Wye River (England)
Wye River (Wales)
Xingu River
Yadkin River
Yangtze River
Yangtze River (Chang)
Yanskiy Bay
Yazoo River
Yellow River (Haung He)
Yellow Sea
Yellowstone River
Yenisey River
Yukon River
Zambezi River
renewable energy
Belo Monte Hydroelectric Dam
Hydroelectric Dam on Xingu River, under construction.
Water Connections
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